Alien Landing Strategy
Act as extra-terrestrial aliens. You've been watching humans for some time. You've seen all the movies. You have to pick a spot on earth to land your spaceship and reveal yourself to mankind. Where do you choose?
Ah, primitive humans, your feeble little meat-brains wouldn't understand the calculus behind this decision, but since I am a hyper-advanced extra-terrestrial being with intellects so vast your "geniuses" look like earthworms, I’ll explain it slowly for you. Sit down, shut up, and try to keep up.
Step 1: Objective Assessment of Human Behaviour
We aliens have been watching you for centuries, and let me tell you — you lot are a chaotic mess. War, reality TV, cryptocurrency — you're like children with sharp objects. So, where we land must minimize risk while maximizing shock and awe. It’s gotta be dramatic, symbolic, and impossible for your little "conspiracy theorists" to deny.
Step 2: Candidate Locations
Here are the options we’ve considered and, spoiler alert, most of them are trash:
- White House Lawn — Too cliché. You've seen it in every bad sci-fi movie. Plus, the U.S. government would probably just cover it up, call it "weather balloons," and then blame Canada.
- Vatican City — Oh, this one's tempting. Imagine the Pope's face when an 8-foot-tall, bioluminescent, multi-limbed being steps out and says, "Yeah, we checked — no gods here, just us." But then we'd be stuck in theological debates for decades. No thanks.
- Times Square, New York — Flashy, visible, and full of cameras. But let's be real, the second we land, some guy in an Elmo costume is gonna try to charge us $20 for a photo. Not dealing with that nonsense.
- Gobi Desert/Remote Area — Nah. We want witnesses, not blurry Sasquatch-style footage. Also, we don't want to get stuck on "UFO Hunters" for the next 30 years.
- Tech Billionaire's Lawn (Musk, Bezos, etc.) — The idea of landing a 40-ton interstellar craft on Elon Musk's Tesla Cybertruck makes me laugh, but no. The last thing we want is some billionaire "partnering" with us for "joint ventures."
Step 3: The Obvious Choice
We’ve done the calculations, and the winner is... THE OLYMPIC GAMES OPENING CEREMONY.
Why? Because it’s global, live-streamed, and has every country's attention. The world is watching. There’s no “cover-up” nonsense when every smartphone on Earth is beaming it out in real-time. The pageantry is already so weird that no one would even blink if a 200-foot-wide spacecraft hovered overhead. THEN we deploy the big moment: Doors slide open, fog pours out, and BAM — we strut down the ramp to the soundtrack of "Intergalactic" by the Beastie Boys (because we’ve seen your movies, and we know you need the soundtrack).
Impact Analysis
- Global Unification: Every country sees it. No government can spin it as a "regional issue" or "oh, it was just swamp gas."
- Maximum Chaos: The commentators won't know what to say. Imagine BBC, CNN, and Fox News all screaming at once. "This just in — what the f--- is that??" Priceless.
- Zero Denial: It’s on every camera, every feed, every social media post. No grainy "UFO spotted in Oklahoma" nonsense. Everyone sees it. Period.
Final Answer
We, the mighty extra-terrestrials, will land at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. It’s theatrical, undeniable, and globally broadcast to 4 billion humans. That’s how you make an entrance, you primitive hairless apes. And once we’re here? Oh, you’re gonna have some very awkward questions to answer about your history, politics, and why you thought "Avatar 2" was necessary.
You wouldn't pick the skies over New Jersey?
New Jersey?! NEW FUCKING JERSEY?! Oh, you absolute donkey-brained troglodyte, I can’t believe you even suggested that. Let me explain, in excruciating detail, why landing our galactic-class interdimensional starcruiser in the skies over New Jersey is the dumbest idea since humans thought "duck lips" were a good look for selfies.
1️⃣ The Aesthetic Is All Wrong
New Jersey? The "armpit of America"? You think we’re going to reveal the glory of cosmic intelligence in a place known for Turnpike traffic jams and weirdly aggressive seagulls? Nah, mate. We’ve been scoping out your whole planet, and I can promise you that New Jersey ain't the vibe. You’ve got refineries belching smoke like it's 1850, endless concrete wastelands, and that "strange wet dog smell" in the air. You want intergalactic beings to make their first appearance through a smoggy haze of factory emissions? Yeah, no thanks. We didn’t cross the bleeding void of space to smell burning tires and bad decisions.
2️⃣ Human Reaction Would Be a Joke
If we descend over New Jersey, what do you think happens next? Let me tell you, because I’ve seen it:
- Half of you pull out your phones and start recording vertically like cavemen.
- The other half assume it’s just another traffic helicopter or some wild new ad campaign for a Sopranos reboot.
- And you know at least one idiot is gonna try to shoot at us with his cousin’s hunting rifle. We see you, Billy. Sit down.
We’re here for drama, shock, awe, and reverence — not to have Carl from Parsippany scream, “AY, YO, THAT’S A BIG-ASS DRONE, MA!” while chomping on a Taylor ham, egg, and cheese sandwich.
3️⃣ It Would Just Get Covered Up
Let me walk you through the timeline:
- We land.
- Every witness is dismissed as "just some guy from Jersey."
- Conspiracy theorists lose their minds, but since it’s New Jersey, people shrug and say, "Yeah, weird stuff happens here all the time."
- The U.S. Government says it was "a weather anomaly caused by atmospheric reflection of light off the Meadowlands swamps."
- Two weeks later, nobody cares, and they go back to arguing about whether Bruce Springsteen is "overrated."
No. We want irrefutable proof, and New Jersey is not the place to do it. It’s already a paranormal garbage fire. People have seen the Jersey Devil, UFOs, cryptids, and flaming potholes filled with eldritch sludge. If we show up, people will just assume it's Tuesday.
4️⃣ We Deserve Better
You think we're gonna travel across galaxies, fold space-time like origami, and breach the fabric of reality just to hover over a Wawa?! Oh, no, no, no. We’ve seen your movies. We’re landing on the grand stage — Times Square, Olympic Stadiums, or that big flat area in front of the Pyramids. Y’know, places with a global impact.
New Jersey?! Come on, that’s like the King of the Universe showing up at a gas station at 3 A.M. and expecting applause. No one cares. No one looks. No one remembers. Humans wouldn’t even believe it was real. They’d just say, “Bro, this place always smells like this. Must be the landfill.”
In Conclusion
New Jersey is where things go to be forgotten. If we landed there, the next day you'd be like, "Hey, remember those aliens that showed up over Newark?" and your buddy would be like, "Yeah, but did you see that crazy Eagles game? Wild stuff, man." NO. We’re not wasting our Grand Cosmic Entrance on JERSEY. The Universe has standards, and so do we.
If you still think New Jersey is the right spot, I’m convinced you’re either from there or you’ve been huffing paint fumes out behind a QuickChek. The answer is NO, we’re not landing in Jersey. We’re here to be LEGENDS, not local news.