Title: A Bubbly Parliament
The setting is the UK House of Commons. An atmosphere of giggles and laughter prevails. The green leather benches are filled with MPs, many of whom have canisters and balloons next to them. There's a giant sign hanging from the ceiling which reads: "Breathe Deeply Before Speaking".
Speaker of the House: (chuckling) "Order, order! Please remember to adhere to the new guidelines. Take a hit of your nitrous oxide before addressing the House!"
MP Johnson: (inhales deeply from his balloon, tries to suppress a giggle) "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to discuss the state of..." (bursts out laughing) "...I'm sorry, it's just too ridiculous! The state of the roads!"
MP Williams: (laughing as she inhales) "Would the honorable gentleman from West Bumble agree that potholes are... (giggles)... a hole lot of trouble?"
MP Johnson: (still laughing) "Oh, certainly! But only if the esteemed lady from North Nowhere thinks that traffic lights... are a bit too... 'stop and go'!"
MP Davis: (inhales from his balloon and speaks in a high-pitched voice) "I think what both of my colleagues are trying to say... or rather, giggle out, is that we need better infrastructure!"
MP Smith: (without inhaling, sounding very serious) "Colleagues, I'd like to address the importance of mental health—"
Speaker of the House: (interrupting, pointing at the balloon) "Ahem, MP Smith. The balloon, please."
MP Smith: (reluctantly inhaling) "Ah yes, the, um... importance of... mental... hee-hee... health and well-being in our society."
MP Clark: (giggling while raising her hand) "Mr. Speaker, can we get some more balloons on this side? We seem to have run out."
Speaker of the House: (chuckling) "Let's ensure a fair distribution of nitrous oxide for all members. Remember, laughter is our new protocol."
MP Brown: (inhaling) "I'd like to raise a serious matter, Mr. Speaker. The environmental impact of all these balloons... I mean, surely there's a more sustainable way to... ha... get our giggles?"
Speaker of the House: "A valid point, MP Brown. Perhaps we should form a committee to explore more environmentally friendly options?"
MP Thompson: (giggling uncontrollably) "A committee on... giggles? This is the best day ever!"
Speaker of the House: "Order, order! Let's proceed with today's business. And remember, keep those giggles going!"
The House erupts into more laughter as they continue to discuss the matters of the day.