Health & Understanding
One use case that will likely come out of LLMs in the future is a better understanding of health, both physical and mental, in a number of different ways. From researching, through to how health services are provided to patients, as well as a better understanding of health conditions, both by people suffering from them, and others who don't understand the conditions.
Exploring health related topics through stories, from first-person perspective narratives from people, conversational dialogues, and one of the more interesting ones, told from the brain and/or bodies perspective, provides fascinating insights that isn't possible from Google searches or reading text books.
All Health
- Angry Brain Battles Alcohol
- AngryFunnyGPT Plays Therapist
- Bloody Brain Default Mode
- Brain Explains
- Brain vs. Steve - Alcohol
- Cannabis
- Decongestants
- Five Years of Hiccup Hell
- Intense Migraine Experience
- James Murphy - Ranch Owner
- Kids & Long Covid
- Man on a Building Site
- Matilda - Harry Styles
- Misophonia
- Orgasmic Cephalgia
- Painkillers
- PTSD Stories
- Serotonin Syndrome
- Synaesthesia
- Warzone of the Mind